Salem Corners Electrical Company
$1 / month ⸱ 7 days free trial
Welcome to the keeping the lights on tier. Every pledge goes towards expanding what the studio may give back to the community and will allow us, as creators, the funds needed to keep the lights on.
Plus you’ll also get behind the scenes commentary on how the pages came to be with Finkle’s Finds. This dive into my mind might answer some questions you have about the story.
In this Tier you get access to Salem Corners polls when they’re posted. Here you’ll help give insight into what the fans want and enjoy. Let your voice be heard.
Black Cat Video Membership
$5 / month ⸱ 7 days free trial ⸱
You’ve just joined the elite membership of Black Cat Video subscribers. Enjoy your member benefits.
In this Tier you get access to Salem Corners polls when they’re posted. Here you’ll help give insight into what the fans want and enjoy. Let your voice be heard.
Plus you’ll also get behind the scenes commentary on how the pages came to be with Finkle’s Finds. This dive into my mind might answer some questions you have about the story.
There will be sketches, turnarounds, original designs, and artwork appearing here from time to time too. In the future there will be desktops and Avatars for subscribers.
Page FIFTY-FIVE reveals Chris struggling in the fight, teetering on the edge of losing control. Frustration clouds his mind as he searches desperately for a way to turn things around, but the right words elude him at that moment.
Page FIFTY-FOUR showcases Spike at his most charismatic. Chris has no idea how outclassed he really is. He never stood a chance.
Page FIFTY-THREE highlights Spike’s enduring confidence, even when faced with situations where words fail him. His attempts to talk his way out, despite their futility, showcase his trademark charm and relentless determination.
Page FIFTY-TWO is here and things are starting to heat up again. Did Swing and Spike actually beat Chris home?